Open Letter To Tesla Investors

Dear Tesla Investors Perhaps Aghast At Elon Musk’s Attempted “Blackmail”

Elon Musk Accused of “Blackmailing” Tesla Investors (

I am the internationally noted, advanced concept science and technology R&D engineer scientist, Marshall Barnes and I’m writing this notice to inform you that you have another option to consider in contrast to Elon’s getting a 25% controlling vote. That option is one that I had mentioned to Ross Gerber about a year ago when he was thinking of getting rid of Elon as Tesla CEO. That option was for me to provide advanced technology that I have and have been developing, via an auxiliary company on the side – with the goal of being able to provide a separate income stream for Tesla outside of the car industry, so as to be untethered to its market up and downs. This would be possible because 100% of the so called “heavy lifting” is already done on these various advanced technologies… 

As Ross recently told CNBC, regarding Elon, “Now he seems to be blackmailing the Tesla shareholders, saying he won’t build stuff for us unless he gets another $30 billion,”. Quite frankly, I’m here to say you don’t need Elon’s “stuff”. I have plenty and it’s light years ahead of anything Elon can come up with.

What kind of technologies? How about the first functioning prototype for warp drive? Would earn millions in revenue through a series of sponsored televised proof of concept events and merchandising, as it’s used to carry smart probes further and further into space, conducting various tests on the effects of ever increasing forces encountered through near and faster than light travel, data that NASA and other space agencies will want. In addition, video documenting sights and scenes in space and other planets and selling the broadcast rights as well as marketing documentaries on the discoveries, like a “Jacques Cousteau” in space TV series. We wouldn’t even need SpaceX to do it as the plans for this were developed before SpaceX and its capabilities were even known. And there’s more.

Active research in technocogninetics – the science I created, assisted in part by scientist Itiel Dror, then of the University of Southampton in the UK, which focuses on the effects of outside stimuli to the human mind.without considering any feedback to the machine – the thing that prevents this from being considered as “cognitive technology”. Technocogninetics has been used successfully to analyze and find flaws in the theories of David Eagleman of Balour college who thought duration dilation was only a product of elongated memory, and the Open University in the UK which had a test that they thought would prove Necker Cubes would appear to flip more often to introverts than extraverts. Not true. But that’s just the analysis part. The real power comes from the robust forms of technological products that can be derived from such knowledge – everything from warfighter enhancements for combat in any battlespace – air, sea, land, space, treatments for schizophrenia, psychoactive entertainment, realistic virtual vacations, realistic virtual adult entertainment, mood and behavior modification to assist psychologically during long manned missions in space, and much, much more. In 2014, I was offered the opportunity to assist companies trying to develop mood altering technology but turned it down instead to compete with them. In short, not only do I have more to offer in the realm of consciousness research and products than Elon Musk does, he’s not even close.   

Aside of the many other technological developments that I offer that Elon can’t, more importantly I can offer you the most important opportunity that Elon eludes to but will never deliver on – an escape from a future that fails catastrophically. LIke WWIII. 

Around 2020 I started the promotion line that Elon Musk and I shared at least one thing – fear of the future. His answer to that fear was escape to Mars and becoming interplanetary – and so he was pursuing his Starship. Being a past member of the Mars Society I knew that was not an answer due to the very simple fact that it will take more time than we have to develop the cogent solutions to move a significant number of humans to Mars that can start building settlements. What do I mean, “more time than we have”? Because I’m not ignoring the existential threats to our survival in the very near future – everything from AI to WWIII! 

Elon Musk: we must colonize Mars to preserve our species after a third world war – video

Elon used to say we must prioritize getting settlements on Mars to preserve humanity. That                       was before he got obsessed with Twitter and ever since he bought it, he’s been going off the rails in one area after another. But as I told Elon in an open letter which I then followed up with my challenge to him to race to be in a position to save humanity first, the real answer isn’t interplanetary but intertemporal – solving the physics problem for time travel to the past where you’re dealing with a solution that has absolutely none of the down sides of going to space and up sides that are. More profitable than space commercialization can ever be – as in billions as I described in this pitch deck.

And now, as I told Elon in this challenge to him to a debate on the future of humanity, due to recent breakthroughs in my research, I’m closer to the realization of 1 way time travel to the past than he is to ever getting to Mars. 

As I’ve stated in the report, Temporal Escape  and elsewhere, the key to survival is the reestablishing of our modern civilization in a new, parallel world copy of some 12,000 years ago, when there weren’t that many other humans and we could establish the dominant civilization and determine the future. We would have everything that Mars doesn’t – because it’s just another version of Earth, a far better alternative at that. 

Compared to Elon’s pipe dream of settling on other planets which would take decades against great difficulty and odds against success, my Earth”12KB4 alternative has a far more lucrative interplanetary model in it – quantum time travel is instantaneous and cheaper than driving a car. Once the mining operations have been established, selling to lucrative markets across the eons of time is academic. After all, what good is time travel technology if, besides survival, its not used to maximize profit?

So what it means for you all is the opportunity to be involved with something that will make a lot of money while things are still viable here, but working on the means to escape if and when the time comes which will save you and your families – something Elon has absolutely no way or means of accomplishing, at all. As you’re reading this, countries in NATO are preparing for war with Russia.   

So, in closing, this is what I’m offering to discuss with Tesla investors, et al . Of course, there are critical details that need to be covered, but that’s par for the course. The bottom line is that I’m offering Tesla investors the opportunity to break into true futuristic frontiers and not just failed failing or half baked fantasies of a man-child school boy with an oversized bank account and matching ego. At the rate that things are happening, it doesn’t matter if you take me up on this proposal or not. Someone probably will because they know it’s a stupid risk to just work on making money when facing the prospect of 

                                                                                THE END OF THE WORLD…  

In All TRUTH, I am,

Marshall Barnes, R&D Eng

To hear more about this Earth:12KB4 escape plan for you and your families, listen to SYNDICATED TALK RADIO ( 10 EST Feb 1st or contact Edward Charles at

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