Why Elon Reeve Musk Doesn’t Deserve His Raise (Nor Much of Anything Else): A Missive to All Those Commenting, Commentating and Involved with the Current Tesla Pay Package Affair

by Marshall Barnes, R&D Eng

My name is Marshall Barnes, R&D Eng and I have a thing or two to say about Elon Musk and his big pay-day though I’m not only not an investor, stockholder, board member or even employee . So, let’s put things in their place, shall we, so my subsequent statements will have the proper gravitas. Like the CEOs that voted in the Fortune Magazine poll earlier this year, that Elon is the most overrated CEO in America, when I took a PwC test in 2014 called, CEO Time Machine, I was rated as being like a CEO from the year 2040. Likewise, to deal with other competitors, I invented a rating system that works regardless of personage and only determines a person’s worth based on the accomplishments they’ve made with their knowledge of creativity, innovation and disruption, in any categories and fields and how many breakthroughs they’ve had in each. That means what they did personally. I’m not going to rate Elon because it has yet to be seen what he’s actually done on his own, but I doubt his rating is anywhere near mine which was 59/111 the last time I bothered to add it up which is when I wrote the article introducing the system https://vocal.media/motivation/what-s-your-visionary-ix-rating-hmm several years ago.

People dealing with, or interacting with Elon, are often ill-equipped to do so. Case in point – Bill Murphy JR., Founder of Understandably, in an article for Inc. talks about the Isaacson biography on Elon, stating that, ‘It’s amazing if you’re working with somebody and you ask a question and then you just shut up, how they will fill the vacuum and they’ll start to talk.’”

Then Bill continues, and simultaneously reveals what he knows about Elon and why he’s so mentally ill equipped to comment on it. “An irony here is that Musk is himself known for using silence as a tool. For example, as my colleague Justin Bariso wrote a while back, Musk has a habit of taking long pauses sometimes before offering his opinion.”

This is a CIA interviewing tactic that I know well. The purpose is to get the subject to talk and fill in the blanks. It is part and parcel of another technique called, vacuum cleaner. The vacuum cleaner is the person who stimulates the subject to talk and the cleaner just lets them talk and talk until they get them to spill any beans that are left. But later in Bill’s article he states that, “The same article also quotes former astronaut and SpaceX engineer Garrett Reisman, describing how Musk responds to some questions:

‘[H]e’ll kind of go into this, almost like a trance–he’ll stare off into space and you can see the wheels turning. And he’s focusing all of his intellect, which is considerable, on this one question.’”

Bill Murphy is clearly missing the whole point here, even after he’s stated it. The silence is used to get info from the subject. Elon is the one being silent but that’s before he fills that gap himself – not the other person. As Murphy quotes Reisman – ‘he’s going into space with his wheels turning, almost like a trance’ because he’s either an idiot at that moment and trying to figure out the answer he should already have, or he’s trying to figure out the appropriate LIE and Elon lies a lot! But all of that is clearly over Murphy’s head even though he thinks he’s discovered some secret super power of Elon’s. All he’s actually done is point out a proof that Elon’s defective in his thinking as well as in his character, and Murphy’s too clueless to detect it.

So, the situation is while people who are in no capacity to accurately judge a word of what Elon may mutter and babble, of course I look down my nose at him as this pompous pretender to providing the protection of humanity’s future. He can’t even understand the significance of how his Tesla FSD piloted cars were used as weapons in, Leave the World Behind.

Sure, Elon has started a number of companies and made billions of dollars, oddly enough, Tesla Inc not being one of them, but he lies and says it is, anyway.

Elon doesn’t care about humanity nor the stockholders of Tesla and I will prove it on both accounts. Riddle me this, egg heads and bean counters reading – if he gave a damn about humanity or Tesla investors, why would he turn down the opportunity to ensure the future of humanity against 100% of all existential threats that he’s ever named and more – when it would not cost him anything, even if it failed. Furthermore, if it worked, not only is a larger portion of humanity saved sooner than any interplanetary method he yaps about, but it would also make billions of dollars more than Tesla and he could’ve worked Tesla in as the company the deal could’ve been done through. I’m talking 0 risk, 0 cash investment, and a 1,000x ROI rated at $100,000 minimum + for Tesla being involved from a limited technical level.

But when Elon ignored the offer, he automatically cut out any opportunity for Tesla stockholders and investors to be financially involved. He blew billions of dollars away for NOTHING. All I wanted was his support for the project which I told him I would leverage to get financial support from the technical and entrepreneurial communities.

So what kind of man turns down the opportunity to not only make billions of free revenue for his company but for himself? A man who’s ego is so out of control that he won’t do the deal unless he could be named founder and my idea and concepts were already known. He knew it because that was part of my proposal to show that I knew what I was doing. It wasn’t until later that I realized that that’s probably why he didn’t respond. I know he knows about it because he knows that I’ve since challenged him to a debate on the future of humanity where in it I reminded him of this deal as well as everything that I find wrong with him. He has not only chickened out of that, but he’s been following me on that bastardization of Twitter he calls, X. Elon knows and just doesn’t give a damn about any of you and now you know the truth.

Furthermore, according to a report from Fox Business News, Musk is accused of insider trading in a lawsuit filed by Tesla shareholder Michael Perry for selling over $7.5 billion worth of shares of Tesla in late 2022, which is when he knew about my proposed deal. The sale preceded disappointing production and delivery figures that went public. According to Perry, Tesla stock nosedived after its 4th quarter numbers were publicized, January 2, 2023, and that Musk “improperly benefitted” from an estimated $3 billion in insider profits.

Now none of that I can attest to but I can say that if he had announced that he was going to do my deal, the Tesla stock would’ve gone up because aside from going to Mars, and even rivalling that idea, the number one desire of Elon’s minions is time travel and they believe due to their brainwashing, that he’s the only one that could do it. In fact, I opened my proposal article with this Youtube quote from Matt Klontz:

“Dear Elon Musk,

Forget about Mars and your Tesla…build a time machine and take us back to the 80’s!!!”‘

Which of course, Elon’s having any understanding at all, of actual time travel science, couldn’t be further from the truth. Which, doesn’t keep his fan boys from lying about it.

“Musk exploited his position at Tesla, and he breached his fiduciary duties to Tesla,” the lawsuit allegedly says and Perry wants Musk to return the profits he made from the trades. So the questionis if doing my deal, since it would’ve risked nothing and cost nothing, was a breach of his fiduciary duties since his job should be making money for his stockholders, and he failed to do that with no excuses, when he ignored it?

Well, the deal’s still on the table until someone or some other group with $100,000 comes and takes it away. It’s like I ‘ve said before, if it can’t be done for $100G then it can’t be done, and since I’m on the cusp of getting one way time travel done already (and closer to completing that than Elon is to ever landing on Mars), in part because I know more about time travel science than anyone, let alone him, than he does about getting to Mars. Which is the method to my madness here, a few light years beyond anything Elon could comprehend. The fact that Elon didn’t care to do a deal without risk that would help humanity, as well as his company, shows what a selfish idiot he is, as well all the other pathological defects he has that allow him to run racist, sexist, and hazardous workplaces for which he’s been sued for millions and then lies about it, like he’s lied about Full Self Driving and the Cybertruck and its safety, and when Tesla semis would be ready and Hyperloop and the true nature of Neuralink, and all the rest of it.

So here’s what’s on the table, with basic details:

  1. Elon and Tesla get to participate in profit sharing at a percentage rate yet to be negotiated, with a $100,000 credit just for promoting the acknowledgment of the project. That means if it works, Elon gets 1000x ROI of $1,000 plus the profit sharing percentage that’s negotiated.
  2. Elon, nor any of his companies owns any part of Earth:12KB4 or has access to any intellectual, technical, or scientific information related to Earth:12KB4. His role as a participant in it does not ever grant him security clearance or need to know. He and all his officers, personnel and employees would be outside the circle of engagement. None of their money’s being spent anyway and due to Elon’s involvement with Vladimir Putin and Russia, which I view as a security liability of the highest order, that’s why those restrictions would be enforced.
  3. All funds would be raised from sources that would be rated based on their relationship, if any, with Elon or his companies. Regardless of their funding contributions, no one gets any critical information if they have connections to Elon or his companies, and the rest is based on the strictest Need-to-Know basis.
  4. If the project is successful, then Elon and his Tesla investors get their negotiated payments. If it fails, they get nothing but didn’t lose anything either. The pitch deck for it looks like this:

The fact is that Elon is pathological liar who has lied about loving humanity but then does things to threaten it by encouraging hate speech without moderation, and supporting Vladimir Putin who has invaded and slaughtered civilians in Ukraine and claims he’s for free speech when all it is really is a screen for promoting hate speech and I know – because he repeatedly allowed my speech to be harassed with flagged claiming that I “might be” producing spam which is bollocks and once locked me out of my account for a week because I dare say something critical of Putin but was accused of threatening some unidentified person instead. He couldn’t state what it was really about so he lied instead. In fact, Elon lies as easy as he breathes, and for that matter, I wouldn’t trust as far as I could piss on him.

So regardless, if Elon does this deal, it will be a major windfall for Tesla while the world’s still here and provides a safe escape when the time comes. But if he doesn’t, at this point I’m sure someone else will- after hearing about it from all this exposure…I’m already appearing live in a radio interview on June 7th on https://nightdreamstalkradio.com and this will be included in a new independent film due out later this year, Crashing the Breykiot. So eventually everyone’s going to know how Elon either supported an effort that was going to cost him nothing and would greatly help save some of humanity or he didn’t and why. This deal will get done. The only question is will Elon Musk or Tesla be a part of it.

Meanwhile, based on his behavior since he met all those benchmarks that he thinks qualifies him for his big raise, he’s done things that have negatively affected the stock price and ignored opportunities – repeatedly. I don’t believe in rewarding bad behavior…then again, it’s not my call…

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